The award is given to organizations that have developed robots that support the autonomous walking of the physically challenged in various aspects of daily life.
Global Innovation Challenge 2021
Promotion Movie
Judging Guidelines
Seven situations from daily life were set up. For each situation, the Organizer will judge whether the robot can achieve independent walking movements.
(For details, please refer to the application guidelines)
Each task / task group accomplished / all tasks accomplished
Total prize money
(For details, please refer to the application guidelines)
- Entry: September 1, 2020 - February 28, 2021
- Selection results July 19, 2021
- Award Ceremony: September 12, 2021
Selection and Judging Guidelines
Task Group 1
Task 1
- "Toilet"
- The Task is to move to the toilet and use it
Task 2
- "Preparation"
- The Task is to wash face after getting dressed
Task 3
- "Meal"
- The Task is to place a prepared meal on the table and sit down to eat
Task Group 2
Task 4
- "Laundry"
- The Task is to wash laundry, and take laundry from the line, fold clothes and put them into the wardrobe
Task 5
- "Package Receiving"
- The Task is to receive a delivered package, unwrap it and place the contents in the refrigerator
- "Cleaning"
- The Task is to clean the inside of the house with a vacuum cleaner and take the trash bags out of the house
Task Group 3
Task 7
- "Bathing"
- The Task is to move to the bathroom with clothes to change and soak in hot water in the bathtub.
- Before the entry
- About the Entry Form
- After the entry
- What kind of robots can enter for this Award?
- This Award is aimed at robots that support independent walking for people with lower limb paralysis (paraplegics). For example, there are wearable robots.
- Can wheelchair robots enter for this Award?
- No. Wheelchair robots are not eligible for this Award because people with paralyzed lower limbs (paraplegics) can move with them but cannot walk independently.
- What are the criteria for spinal cord injuries in people with lower limb paralysis (paraplegic) who are eligible for this Award?
- The Organiser recognises persons with lower limb paralysis (paraplegics) corresponding to AIS or Frankel Classification A to B as eligible for this Award. The site of spinal cord injury is not a criterion for participation in this Award.
- We would like to enter the Award, but we are worried about the cost of doing so.
- There is no charge for entry to this Award. Any costs incurred by the team during the selection process, from entry to the Award Ceremony, will be borne by the Organiser, to a reasonable extent, upon prior consultation with the team.
- Can the pilot use a walker or crutches at the same time as the robot?
- Yes, they can be used as a walking aid. You can use it as a walking aid as long as you are not completely dependent on a walker or crutches to walk.
Task 1Not accomp.
Task 2Accomp.
Task 3Accomp.
Task 4Accomp.
Task 5Accomp.
Task 6Accomp.
Task 7
Task 1Accomp.
Task 2Accomp.
Task 3Accomp.
Task 4Accomp.
Task 5Accomp.
Task 6Accomp.
Task 7
FREE Bionics Japan Inc
Task 1Accomp.
Task 3Accomp.
Task 2Accomp.
Task 4Accomp.
Task 5Accomp.
Task 6Accomp.
Task 7
Task 1Accomp.
Task 2Accomp.
Task 3Accomp.
Task 4Accomp.
Task 5
Task 6
Task 7
Digest Movie of Selection and Judging
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